“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”

Tony Robbins

More about me!

Let's dig into the details

Hi, my name is Tracy and I received my Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Northern Arizona University 19 years ago (where did the time go??). I have also been a clinical instructor for physical therapy and a physical therapy assistant student for the past 17 years. My primary specialty is in outpatient orthopedics, which includes everything from repetitive stress injuries to post-surgical to preventative care, etc., but I also have training in vestibular and balance issues. I am able to perform dry needling and have a strong manual therapy background.

I am a perpetual student and love learning about movement systems with some background in Selective Functional Movement Analysis (SFMA). This is why I love taking classes from various places and instructors because I can always find something new and of value for my patients.

People are my puzzles. Even two individuals with the same injury will present differently and should be treated as just that, “an individual”. What got each person to that particular moment is its own story to be unraveled, and I love to tailor treatments personally to help everyone reach their goals.

peek into my personal life 

In summary, I am a giant nerd, who loves hanging from the ceiling and eating all things sugar.
I am up to try almost any workout activity, and have trouble sitting still (that’s why I call it the “hummingbird diet” – eat sugar and run around all day). I love unicorns, Star Wars, and all things Superhero. When I’m not plotting comi-con or movie outfits, (or annoying my cat Chloe), I can be found doing some form of aerial activity (pole, lyra, hammock, bungee), yoga, or Jabz (who doesn’t love getting their aggression out in a workout?). Besides baking, exercise is my stress release and both bring me joy. Good thing I live in an amazing area with so many classes to choose from and experience!

Let's work together
to create your
happiest you!!

How have you taken time for yourself today?

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